The Loyal Woman

It takes a man to realize he has a loyal woman in his life. I’ve been hearing this a lot lately so my girls and I tabled it hence, here we are. First, let us be clear on what it’s not. Most people equate loyalty with cheating, but let us get a little deeper because…

Life: A R&B Love Song

Ask your parents what your inception song was, believe me there’s a song. The 80’s laid it on thick it was no ordinary love and no sleep at night. Women of the 80’s were mystery ladies, Caribbean queen, superwoman or compare to the sun. Men then had so much love to give, they would call…

Reminiscent of You

“Sometime you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory assuming you still possess the ability to remember.” unknown Think about the most memorable moments in your relationship over the years, not the fights, the most profound moments that always pulls you back. That moment when he sang until you fell asleep. The…

A Love That Love’s You Back

There’s no discrimination when it comes to finding love; we’re all seeking the same thing. In the simplest of life’s curve and turns we’re hoping for love to find us. We find inspiration in the weirdest place and love in vulnerability. This is not just a female issue; the need to feel loved and to…

Scars That Changed Us

  Love, relationship, family, friends every humanly possible interaction mold us, break us, harden us, cause us to trust less, make us skeptics or believers. Emotional scars aren’t visible to the naked eyes but are edged in our hearts. They become visible through the prism of self-doubt and fear. Many successful professionals have a strong,…

Lose To Win

If you missed it earlier in the post sharing with all my new followers/readers one of the most read post.   Turn the page on yesterday’s nightmare, eject the reruns the ending doesn’t change, take one last glance at the storm and tell yourself you have nothing left to weather. The tighter you hold on…

Does He Rise to the Challenge or Fall in Silence.

Does size really matter? I don’t know. You tell me? Can you ever eat just one chip? Will one lick get you to the center of a tootsie roll? I didn’t think so. I mean, who wants to deep throat an orange anyway? We all secretly just want to choke on it (what?? Just a…

Mask Friendships

Two days ago a friend called she said, “I’m OK” there were no other explanation, no previous conversation. She just wanted me to know she was OK so I kept very silent for a while. Not because I was confused about what she meant, but because of the intensity in the tone which left me…

Brand New Mercies

This last two month I have been touched by cancer through friends, family and co- workers.It seems every week someone was going through something cancer related so much to the point were I was exhausted.The thing no one ever saw coming , I didn’t see coming was when I got that call the cancer scare…