The Loyal Woman

It takes a man to realize he has a loyal woman in his life. I’ve been hearing this a lot lately so my girls and I tabled it hence, here we are. First, let us be clear on what it’s not. Most people equate loyalty with cheating, but let us get a little deeper because we already know when a loyal woman says she is, no other wood blaze her fire. For those in the back, loyalty is not subjugation. It is not a blind unquestioning trust in what men do, says, or represent. A loyal woman who decides to rock with you sees growth, she sees how amazing you can be but, even more than that she sees the unchallenged force of a partnership.

However, make no mistake she will not follow you over the edge. Men! don’t ask for a loyal woman if you ain’t ready to love on her without reason, fight for her without explanation and satisfy her with an intensity that blows her mind. YES, she needs the O’s and the S as much as you. If you got this down then, there is nothing you need to ask for. Trust me, she got you in places you didn’t even know was wanting. She is not responsible for your life but, she will help you achieve your best self.

Recognize all the things that make her amazing and understand that as much as she follows she can also lead. If she is with you it’s not out of necessity, but because she chose you. A loyal woman goes hard, not just for the man in her life, but for the people she loves. So when she is emotional, man up! It’s your turn to hold her.

Here is something that you probably don’t realize: Both men and women see loyalty differently, so understand what loyalty means for her. In my quest to get a better understanding of how our male counterpart views the Loyal woman, I asked six men to share their opinions. Two common themes were, respect and support. Showing that you accept and value the other person and that they accept and value you. When you respect that person on this level, supporting them is easy and you speak from a place of compassion. If you’re like Beyoncé and your love brings out the best in each other then, hell, she will have your back even on the run.

So you’ve asked for a Loyal woman. Now you’ve got her. The question is… can you keep her?

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